OS journey

This website has the intention to work as a logbook of my long journey into the Operating Systems (OS) studies. Here, I describe technical and non-technical (rarely) things related to OS. Keep in mind, that I made this logbook for me.



When I was an undergraduate student; I had a professor that always propose nice projects and request a “logbook” at the end of the task. Logbooks are an unstructured text which we explain operations, and approaches taken by us to finish the work; in a nutshell, it is an analogy with navigation of a ship. After many years, I still like this concept and continuously use it in my life.

So, here is my logbook about my journey in Operating Systems (OS) research. But why bother? Simply because I am passionate about this area, for me, OS is one of the human masterpieces achievements. As a result, I dedicated many hours of my life trying to understand this field, and I believe that is a good idea to write about it.